Travelling Far & Wide
It’s been a hectic summer here at Bike Box Alan, and yet again, we’ve travelled far and wide to bring the world’s best bike boxes to new customers. From the famous Cape Epic race in South Africa, to the Spanish Islands supporting events, and even a somewhat interesting trip to Transylvania, where Alan climbed the famous Transfagarasan Highway – from Top Gear fame. Yes, the road that Jeremy Clarkson, another South Yorkshire lad, described as the best road in the world.
Anyway, Alan rode superbly and achieved a time of 2 hours 20 mins for 38 km – mostly uphill! Among the Bike Box Alan group were friends from Pedalnorth, and their deputy editor, Nadezhda won both her race categories on the 2 days of racing, climbing the Transfagarasan in 1 hour and 42 minutes – a great achievement. Nadezhda is now the proud owner of a Bike Box Alan Easy Fit, won by her in a draw for race category winners, and we’re excited to have her on board as an ambassador.

One particular highlight of the Transylvania trip was meeting Max, a cyclist from London, who’d travelled to race – using his BBA Easy Fit! He linked in with our group and rode superbly well himself. It’s always refreshing to meet great people such as Max – and Max also got to meet his hero, Alan 😉; and, it was also good to see so many of bike boxes at Sibiu airport, looking after bikes from all over the world!

Home Races at Sheffield
The Sheffield Grand Prix event in July was superb, with the BBA team having a display of all products, and Alan presenting numerous boxes to the worthy winners on the night. The BBA guests included both friends and industry contacts from many years of being deeply involved in the Yorkshire cycling scene, and it was great to see so many friends all together and enjoying the cycle races. Seeing a few famous faces as well, including the Yorkshire legend Malcolm Elliott, it shows just how strong cycling in Yorkshire is, and always has been.

Anyway, with such a hectic summer, including the introduction of our new Bike Box Alan ‘Premium Plus’ box, for gravel bikes, it’s time to pause and reflect and to make plans – a few more air miles supporting cycling, and showing cyclists the best bike boxes in the world!